Gedicht zum Thema Klimawandel
Der Kimawandel und dessen langfristige Folgen gehen uns alle etwas an, doch die Corona-Pandemie verdrängt viele wichtige Themen aus den Nachrichten und die politischen Bemühungen zum Klimaschutz geraten immer weiter ins Hintertreffen. Robin vom LÖWENROT Aufbaugymnasium hat im Rahmen der Unterrichtseinheit zum Klimawandel ein Gedicht verfasst, um das Thema erneut ins Bewusstsein zu rufen.
We can start a revolution.
everyone can make a change,
by standing up against pollution.
Systems must be rearranged.
Animals are suffering,
and nature will be dead.
Now listen up, remember it,
this message must be spread.
Do not let industries win.
Our nature gets attacked.
And now it’s time to change some things,
we must begin to act.
So everyone: stand up against the animal abuse
and exploiting of nature for the economic use.
Plants they help us to survive
and animals have souls.
But factory farms do not care,
they have financial goals.
They don’t care about the climate.
or the future generation
so let’s not support them,
they don’t deserve our cooperation.
In our world where people act
compassionless and cruel,
money is over dignity
and that’s the only rule.
So everyone: stand up against the animal abuse
and exploiting of nature for the economic use.